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  • Roberto Garay, RELaTED project coordinator

M56. Is RELaTED over? Maybe it’s just the first stage in a longer journey.

We gathered around a Decentralised Ultra Low Temperature District Heating Network concept back in 2017. After 56 months, the RELaTED consortium has successfully achieved its goals. Is it over? Well, not really. It is now the time to scale-up. Roberto Garay, RELaTED Project Coordinator We developed, integrated, and tested our concept. These shall now be promoted for integration across existing and new DH systems. We developed systems to manage heat in and outwards of buildings, adapt temperature levels, and incorporate solar heat in a quite flexible setting. This is well proven in three of our sites, but it is now the time to develop it at a wider scale. This requires forward-looking DH network operators and customers, together [...]

2022-06-28T13:19:11+00:00June 28th, 2022|Editorial|
  • Webinar RELaTED

Webinar. RELATED: Red de calor a baja temperatura con bomba de calor

El Ente Vasco de la Energía organiza el webinar “RELaTED: Red de calor a baja temperatura con bomba de calor”. El evento, celebrado el pasado 24 de junio, ha contado con la participación de varios socios del proyecto de finaciación europea RELaTED, como el Departamento de Seguridad del Gobierno Vasco, Tecnalia, Innometal o El Taller de Comunicación. Durante el encuentro se ha dado a conocer RELaTED, un proyecto de investigación financiado por la Unión Europea, que propone un sistema de calefacción urbana más eficiente, capaz de distribuir calor a baja temperatura y reaprovechar sus excedentes. Roberto Garay, su coordinador, ha sido el encargado de explicar a los asistentes los aspectos más destacados de las redes de calor a baja temperatura [...]

2022-06-28T13:14:45+00:00June 28th, 2022|Events|

Event: The way to get more surplus heat, flexibility and low temperature in district heating starts in the buildings

Danish Technological Institute (DTI) presented on 24 May, results of H2020 project RELaTED at an event we had called: The way to get more surplus heat, flexibility and low temperature in district heating starts in the buildings. The event was co-organised with WE BUILD DENMARK, the Danish cluster for the building and construction sector. Metro Therm and DTI presented the RELaTED 3FS, BILTST and DHRHP solutions demonstrated in Denmark and Belgrade and the water heater technology required to meet DH supply temperatures of approximate 45°C and below. The RELaTED results and tool based on Machine Learning and data of Tartu and Aarhus were presented as well. Further, we had invited Neogrid Technologies to present their software to control and optimize [...]

2022-06-16T12:57:39+00:00June 16th, 2022|Events|
  • Celsius and ReUseHeat final conference

Joint ReUseHeat-Celsius Final Conference

The ReUseHeat project and Celsius Initiative organise their a joint final conference on 7 September 2022 at L42 Business Center, in Brussels. Key findings on the waste heat potential and urban waste heat recovery and along with all the experience from the four demonstration sites will be presented by ReUseHeat. Celsius Initiative will share its main outcomes on the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing between cities, the similarities and differences between cities in H&C transition as well as key learnings from the Celsius format (e.g. Forerunner Groups and Celsius Talks). See the programme and register here!

2022-06-29T12:49:23+00:00June 15th, 2022|Events|
  • RELaTED final conference: RELaTED trifold

RELaTED final workshop: “Back to the Future of Distritct Heating and Cooling”

What if solutions for the Future of District Heating and Cooling were already there? This is the topic that has been addressed during the final workshop of the RELaTED project. After over four years of research, the project partners have presented their progress and results at the conference entitled: "Back to the Future of District Heating and Cooling". The event, held on June 9th in Brussels (Belgium), showed attendees the technologies used and the solutions developed by RELaTED, including a fair of the pilot sites where more specific solutions were presented. Participants also took part in a discussion about the main challenges linked with Ultra-Low Temperature District Heating. Including whether the legal framework allows for a transition from DH to [...]

2022-06-10T11:41:23+00:00June 10th, 2022|Events|
  • Belgrade District heating network area

Optimizing Belgrade DH network

How the low temperature concepts can be applied for operational high temperature district heating networks? This report uses an example from Belgrade to illustrate and detail the guidelines of the RELaTED Development Schemes for new DH developments in new urban environments. Belgrade District heating network area The guidelines of RELaTED Task 2.6 are in general terms, based on best practice as most DH networks are different in relation to visions, DH network topology, temperature levels, building installations, tariff structure, management etc. This article focuses on the practical implementation of the transition schemes in the DH network in Belgrade. About Belgrade Belgrade is the capital of Serbia with about 2.000.000 inhabitants. It has a moderate continental climate. For the [...]

2022-04-27T11:40:40+00:00April 27th, 2022|News|

Regional feasibility studies of new DH in consolidated urban environments, technical financial and administrative roadmaps

The methodology developed within RELaTED identifies interesting interactions between heat sources and high dense areas, but fails to encounter fully successful outcomes. Read more here (PDF) >> The main output of this study is the definition of a procedure for the identification of opportunities of waste heat reuse with a practical application based on real data in both Basque country region and Mazovia region. This document included: Geoprocessing of information on Basque country. Phase 1 of the regional study, with an energy and administrative planning of DH in consolidated urban environments. The main output from this task is the methodology to define roadmaps for the planning of new DH networks in existing urban areas. This methodology has been [...]

2022-04-07T12:47:21+00:00April 7th, 2022|Public documents|
  • RELaTED_ ULT-district heating Belgrade

Transition schemes for DH in operation

 The Guidelines of the task 2.6 will focus on energy planning and economy, Network topology, Scenarios for timeline and energy sources, necessary measures for implementation, project developments and operation and management. DOWNLOAD THE DOCUMENT HERE (PDF) >> One smaller generation plant with main network and subnetwork in Belgrade district heating network. In RELaTED Task 2.6 a set of guidelines were developed for how the low temperature concepts can be applied for operational high temperature district heating networks. This report (D2.6) is one of various RELaTED reports describing low temperature concepts from different perspectives. The report refers to other RELaTED reports when relevant. The guidelines of this report are in general terms, based on best practice as most DH [...]

2022-03-24T10:56:05+00:00March 24th, 2022|Public documents|
  • Last General Assembly RELaTED

The RELaTED Project consortium meets for its last General Assembly

After two days of meetings and hard work, RELaTED ends its last General Assembly. Due to the current sanitary situation, the meeting has, once more, taken place online. However, this has not prevented the partners from doing a thorough revision of all the developments and results obtained during the last months. Even though most work packages have already been finalized or are close do so, the agenda for the coming months will be intense. Specifically, several events are planned, among which we highlight those that will take place at the demonstration sites at Iurreta and Belgrade. Likewise, the consortium is working on the organization of the final seminar which will happen in Brussels in June 2022. We will inform about [...]

2022-03-17T11:29:05+00:00March 17th, 2022|News|
  • BILST facade system

Interconnection schemes for producer installations

This report elucidates specific barriers and solutions for the use of distributed energy sources (DER) in ULT DH networks. Moreover, it will sketch solutions for producer connections to the network. The objective of this document is to investigate possible interconnection schemes for producer installations and to explore the control opportunities and strategies including local storage when relevant and with respect to the overall boundary conditions, pricing and taxes as well as regulation. DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT>> Example of BILST facade system. Source: IMAR singular metal solution. In RELaTED Task 2.3 the use of distributed energy sources and the possibilities for integration and control in district heating systems are presented along with legal and practical barriers and solutions as well as [...]

2022-03-10T14:22:10+00:00March 10th, 2022|Public documents|