What if solutions for the Future of District Heating and Cooling were already there? This is the topic that has been addressed during the final workshop of the RELaTED project.
After over four years of research, the project partners have presented their progress and results at the conference entitled: “Back to the Future of District Heating and Cooling”. The event, held on June 9th in Brussels (Belgium), showed attendees the technologies used and the solutions developed by RELaTED, including a fair of the pilot sites where more specific solutions were presented.
Participants also took part in a discussion about the main challenges linked with Ultra-Low Temperature District Heating. Including whether the legal framework allows for a transition from DH to ULTDH, as well the financial and, of course, the technical limitations of such transition.
The final workshop invited project partners but also stakeholders from the EU bubble, including the EU institutions.

Antonio Garrido from Tecnalia presenting the technologies used by the RELaTED project partners in the pilot sites.

Mrs Eva Hoos, from the European Comission, DG ENER, presenting REPowerEU.

“Let’s go beyond the RELaTED project lifetime and see how we can exploit the results” with Richard Henahan from IBS.

Piero de Bonis from DG RTD.

Jesus Casado from EVE presenting the regional planning for district heating during the RELaTED project final conference.

The RELaTED project final conference.