The methodology developed within RELaTED identifies interesting interactions between heat sources and high dense areas, but fails to encounter fully successful outcomes. Read more here (PDF) >>
The main output of this study is the definition of a procedure for the identification of opportunities of waste heat reuse with a practical application based on real data in both Basque country region and Mazovia region.
This document included:
Geoprocessing of information on Basque country.
Phase 1 of the regional study, with an energy and administrative planning of DH in consolidated urban environments. The main output from this task is the methodology to define roadmaps for the planning of new DH networks in existing urban areas. This methodology has been developed through its practical applications, with identification of potential sources. Technical, administrative and financial constraints are considered in the identification of these potential sources. Considering that administrative & policymaking environments vary in Europe, administrative roadmaps are focused on the particular cases of the regions/countries directly represented in RELaTED: Basque Country (EVE) and Mazovia (MAE).
- Phase 2, where potential DH development have been identified at regional scale. Based on phase 1 and regional workgroups, potential sites for DH development are identified based on predefined key factors such as economic factors, available residual industrial heat or vicinity of urban areas, among others. Based on these criteria, a set of 2-3 locations are defined and analysed on detail for each region. The final outcome of this task is the identification of at least one suitable location per region, for the deployment of a new DH network with the RELaTED configuration based on a feasibility study.
This work allows the definition of an implementation roadmap based in the studied areas but with application to other regions. The roadmap considers every step which must be considered in order to identify potential areas where a low temperature DH based in industrial waste heat can be located. The roadmap should be carried out by a public entity in the region, in order to have a general vision of the possibilities of this technology, as well as promote every project that can be made.