RELaTED sister project “LowUP” – which stands for ‘Low valued energy sources UPgrading for buildings and industry uses’– will contribute to achieving Europe’s greenhouse gas reduction targets and increase energy efficiency. 

LowUp projectThe LowUP partners are working together to develop and demonstrate one heating and one cooling system for office buildings, and one heat recovery system (Heat LowUP, Cool LowUP and HP LowUP) for industrial processes. The systems are being demonstrated at four demo sites:

  • A pilot office building in Seville (Spain, ACCIONA Construction).
  • A water treatment plant in Madrid (Canal de Isabel II & ACCIONA Water).
  • A Pulp and Paper mill in Setubal (Portugal, The Navigator Company).
  • And a student hall in Badajoz (Spain, University of Extremadura) where steady progress has been recorded.

More information on the LowUP website>>

LowUP is one of the RELaTED sister projects. Led by the Spanish firm ACCIONA, LowUP gathers 13 partners (3 large companies, 3 research and technology organisations and 7 SMEs) from 7 European countries. During 42 months, the consortium will develop and demonstrate in a relevant environment one heating and one cooling system for office buildings, and one heat recovery system for industrial processes.

Heating and cooling refers to the energy needed to warm and cool buildings, both residential and tertiary (i.e. office buildings, hospitals etc.) and includes the energy needed in nearly all industrial processes to manufacture products that we use every day. It accounts for 50% of the EU’s annual energy consumption, of which 85% comes from burning fossil fuels, mostly coal and natural gas.