Because of the sanitary conditions, the RELaTED project 8th General Assembly (GA) was held in a form of a teleconference on 8 June 2021. During this day the Consortium went through all work packages and reviewed the last technical advancesThe main purpose of this virtual GA was to carry out a formal review of project status including ongoing activities as well as the ones that were accomplished during the last 6 months.
As the project is extended until mid 2022, partners had a chance to discuss about the current progression of the 6 work packages and highlight the status of each of the demostration sites in Belgrade (Serbia), Tartu (Estonia), Vinge (Denmark) and Iurreta (Basque Country, Spain).
RELaTED team also identified diverse actions to be performed in the coming months: continued implementation of the technical advances and solutions at the four demo sites, organization of final events, further dissemination and exploitation workshop among them.
The outcome of the meeting was highly satisfactory. In the following weeks, we will publish more information about these advances. Stay tuned for more details!
About the project
RELaTED project was born with the idea to develop a robust ultra-low temperature concept, which allows for the incorporation of low-grade heat sources with minimal constraints. The project has designed a solution that can pave the way for expanding and modernizing existing district heating networks as well as introducing and establishing district heating in emerging EU markets.
The RELaTED ultra-low temperature concept is being tested in Serbia, Estonia, Denmark and Spain. These 4 project pilots (large district heating network in Belgrade, new urban development, in Vinge, operational district heating in Tartu and corporate district heating network in Iurreta) will prove the technical and economical feasability of the ultra-low temperature solution developed by RELaTED project.