

RELaTED project: NIBE heat pumps

NIBE delivers customized reversible heat pumps for ultra low temperature district heating

Author: Ted Holmberg and David Kroon, NIBE Research department. In April, NIBE delivered the last district heating reversible heat pump (DHRHP) and accessories to the last demo site Iurreta, Bilbao in the RELaTED project. These heat pumps together with the earlier heat pump, that was shipped to the DTI demo site in Copenhagen, were specifically adapted for the Ultra low …

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New Outputs

The RELaTED Consortium reviews the lastest project advances at the 8th General Assembly

The RELaTED Consortium reviews the lastest project advances at the 8th General Assembly

Because of the sanitary conditions, the RELaTED project 8th General Assembly (GA) was held in a form of a teleconference on 8 June 2021. During this day the Consortium went through all work packages and reviewed the last technical advancesThe main purpose of this virtual GA was to carry out a formal review of project status including ongoing activities as …

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Energy price assessment associated with District Heating in Europe

The energy price assessment provides a review of the fuel types and their costs for the main heat production systems and primary energy sources associated with District Heating (DH) systems in Europe. Within this study, a review of heat production technologies and fuels is presented where the present, medium, and long-term energy costs for district heating networks are identified. Photograph: …

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RELaTED project and Disolbat

Inaventa Solar starts a new project based on the results of its collaboration with RELaTED

The Norwegian manufacturer of solar collectors Inaventa Solar has recently started a new project, titled DisolBat (distributed solar and “blue batteries”), which builds on the results of its international collaboration with RELaTED project.  Editor’s Note: This article was previously published at Inaventa Solar website. Work on RELaTED has led to the identification of innovative technical solutions for solar district heating. …

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FEDARENE Info 50 newsletter

The Spring Edition of the FEDARENE Info includes information on RELaTED project

The 2021 Spring Edition of the FEDARENE Info is out. This edition -focuses on District Heating and Cooling- includes information about the RELaTED project and the progress made on its concept. Heating and cooling drive half of the energy consumption in Europe. However, more than two-thirds of demand is met with fossil fuels. Changing the conventional fossil paradigm in heating and …

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Taastrup substation with BILTST and Microbooster

The desing of Triple Function Substations in combination with RELaTED technologies

Ultra-Low temperature district heating introduces multiple benefits at network level, as the reduction of heat losses and the improvement of heat generation efficiency. ULTDH also facilitates the integration of low temperatures renewable energy sources and waste heat into the district heating network. Renewable heat sources as solar thermal and heat pumps can be coupled to the district heating network and …

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EnergyFlexHouse - Energy Neutral Concept House to Test Solar Collectors and District Heating

Editor's Note: This article was previously published at Inaventa Solar website. Photo: DTI Denmark is set on becoming 100% independent of fossil fuels. This is an inspiring challenge, which can be met through development and beneficial application of energy efficient and sustainable technologies, expresses Danish Technological Institute (DTI) on their webpages. DTI is the responsible developer of the energy neutral concept …

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Webinar RELaTED

WEBINAR: Solar energy solutions for decarbonizing ULT DHC

How did the RELaTED pilot site in Denmark use solar power to deliver heat on the ULT DHC network? How can it help foster the EU renovation wave? Watch the recording to know it all. DATE: 19 May 2021, 10:00am to 11:00am. Photo by kynny from Canva. The EU Renovation wave, initiated in October 2020 by the European Commission, has …

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Demonstration sites

Nibe solutions - RELaTED demo site, Iurreta

NIBE's new solutions for heating will test the posibilities of ULTDH in a building complex in Spain

The Swedish manufacturer NIBE recently sent to Spain some special developed heat pumps and hydraulic modules that will contribute to transform a district heating network into an ultra-low temperature network. These components and solutions will heat and cool two buildings in a corporate building complex in Iurreta, Spain, owned by the Basque Government. This building complex is defined as a …

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Inaventa Solar collectors (RELaTED project)

An innovative solar system will soon be installed in a building complex in Spain

The solar collectors from Inaventa Solar will deliver energy for heating and domestic hot water to a building complex in Spain, owned by the Basque Government. This campus area is defined as a demonstration site within the Horizon 2020 project RELaTED, where the possibilities of ultra-low temperature district heating systems in corporate building complexes are being tested. Editor’s Note: This …

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Energy improvement districts in the Basque Country

Energy improvement districts in the Basque Country

The RELaTED project deploys a decentralised, Ultra-Low Temperature district heating network concept. In RELaTED, every single building is converted into an energy node, where bi-directional heat exchange is allowed between the network and the building. One of the pilots of the project is located in Iurreta, in the Basque Country (Spain). This demonstration site will showcase the viability of the …

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SmartEnCity and RELaTED pilot site, in Tartu, Estonia

Two approaches; one happy district heating & cooling network in Tartu, Estonia

Heat production technologies for district heating are only as efficient as the network they serve. Even if a heat plant is operating at 100% efficiency, heat loss due to the poor thermal insulation of buildings will create an “efficiency” ceiling that improvements at the heat production level cannot overcome. It would be as if a person were trying to heat …

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About RELaTED project

The project “Renewable Low Temperature District” (RELaTED), funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, aims to develop a robust ultra-low temperature concept, which allow for the incorporation of low-grade heat sources with minimal constraints.

The main objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of the concept in European urban environments, and its suitability for the upcoming operational environment with reduced heat loads and distributed heat sources. To prove this, the concept will be demonstrated in four real demonstrations sites (Denmark, Estonia, Serbia and Spain), with two additional feasibility studies. However, some technologies must be adapted to the particularities of the system.

Under the coordination of TECNALIA Research & Innovation, the Consortium is composed by the companies NIBE, METRO THERM, INAVENTA SOLAR, INNOMETAL, IBS, TDC, Mazovian Energy Agency, Basque Energy Agency and FEDARENE; and DH operators as BEOELEKTRANE, FORTUM Tartu, DTI and the Basque Government. These companies will work together to provide a framework for the integration of many renewable heat sources into a low temperature DH system.


RELaTED Project Coordinator
Roberto Garay


Dissemination and Communication responsible
Maria Alcubilla

El Taller de Comunicacion, TDC

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