RELaTED project will be at the CoolDH & Celsius Talk on Low Temperature District Heating
RELaTED Project will be at the CoolDH & Celsius Talk: Low Temperature District Heating by the hand of Christian Holm Christiansen, Senior Consultant at the Danish Technological Institute (DTI). Place: Date: Thursday, April 16, 2020. Time: 10:30 - 11:30 CET. Organizer: Celsius Initiative & COOL DH. Register for the webinar >> Decarbonised district heating systems are already here and some of them are spelled low temperature district heating (LTDH). As a matter of fact, low temperature district heating can prove to be an important part in keeping the globe’s temperature low as well. This webinar will present some of the opportunities and challenges cities may encounter in their endeavour towards a sustainable and efficient energy system. This webinar is hosted [...]