

Olga Macías, TECNALIA

"The global crisis of COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of the sustainable Energy Transition"

Author: Olga Macías, Smart Buildings and Cities Researcher at TECNALIA Research and Innovation.

The last few months all the news has been overshadowed by the global crisis of COVID-19. This pandemic has turned the whole world upside down and shaken worldwide economies. Among other consequences, many of us agree that this crisis has highlighted the importance of the sustainable Energy …

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New Outputs

6th RELaTED General Assembly: the project partners presented their advances in Ultra-Low Temperature District Heating

6th RELaTED General Assembly: the project partners presented their advances in Ultra-Low Temperature District Heating

The COVID-19 pandemic forced the RELaTED partners to gather virtually for their 6th General Assembly. The agenda for these days included an intense series of partners discussion, online workshops and technical coordination. This time, the RELaTED team worked by virtual meeting due to COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the circumstances, partners connected by video meeting from home and keep the project on …

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Metering and billing of consumption in ultra-low temperature district heating systems

Metering and billing of consumption in ultra-low temperature district heating systems

In general, metering of district heating consumption in ultra-low temperature district heating (ULT DH) systems is not different from traditional district heating. However, when electricity is used to boost DHW temperature, this share of the DHW production is no longer metered by the district heating company,or must be metered separately by an additional electricity meter. This information has been extracted …

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Main strategic and economic issues of ULT district heating for new development areas

Main strategic and economic issues of ULT district heating for new development areas

The following article is resuming the main strategic and economic issues to be considered in developing new ultra-low temperature district heating (ULT DH) for new development areas.  This information has been extracted from the document entitled D2.5 - Development schemes for new district heating developments. Strategic and integrated energy planning The economy of ULT DH in a new development area …

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District heating: the key to decarbonising Europe’s heating

District heating: the key to decarbonising Europe’s heating

District heating (DH) systems are one of the most energy efficient heating systems in urban environments, with proven reliability within many decades already. District heating systems are identified as key systems to achieve the de-carbonization of heating energy in European Cities. Renewable and waste heat sources are foreseen at the same time as decarbonized heat sources and the way to …

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Silver pipes

Machine Learning as a solution tool for district heating

In recent years, Machine Learning has become one of the most used techniques when modelling relationships between different parameters. Inspired by the successful integration of Machine Learning in many other areas, it is beginning to draw attention in the district heating sector as well. The application of Machine Learning in the context of district heating has an obvious potential as …

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WEBINAR: The low temperature district heating recording is now available

WEBINAR: The low temperature district heating recording is now available

Watch and listen to the Low Temperature District Heating webinar, hosted by Celsius Initiative in partnership with COOL DH. Learn about how smart cities can transition to low temperature district heating, by the hand of Christian Holm Christiansen, Senior Consultant at the Danish Technological Institute (DTI),  and RELaTED Project partner. Decarbonised district heating systems are already here. As a matter of fact, …

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Participation at events

HVAC Conference

Solar thermal potential in the district heating system of Belgrade City

The use of renewable energy sources as biomass, solar thermal solutions, geothermal energy, and waste heat is becoming more popular in Europe. The transition of district heating systems from fossil fuels to renewables is the next step in the development of district heating, but there is still a lot of work ahead for everyone, not only in the local level …

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Demonstration sites

District Heating De-Carbonisation in Belgrade. Roadmap.

District Heating De-Carbonisation in Belgrade. Roadmap.

The operation temperatures of today’s district heating systems are too high for a massive integration of renewable systems, while the current control systems are no able to properly introduce weather-dependent, distributed heat sources such as solar systems. The district heating strategy for the city of Belgrade (Serbia) addresses these barriers with the focus to de-carbonising the city on a multi-year …

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Demonstration site: the conversion of the district heating network of Iurreta into an ultra-low temperature system

Demonstration site: the conversion of the district heating network of Iurreta into an ultra-low temperature system

The main aim of Iurreta demonstration site is to tests the possibilities of the ultra-low temperature district heating systems in corporate building complexes. For such purpose, the intervention proposed within the framework of RELaTED project requires the conversion of current district heating network into an ultra-low temperature system, where the operation temperatures are reduced, and additional distributed renewable heat sources …

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Tartu demo site - RELaTED ultra-low temperature district heating concept

Low temperature district heating project in Tartu, Estonia

Fortum Tartu is investigating new possibilities and solutions for developing the low temperature concept developed by RELaTED project in Tarkon, a selected part of the existing district heating network. The main idea is to investigate whether it is possible to lower the district heating supply temperatures in the existing district heating system, what its benefits are and where the limits …

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Belgrade demo site

RELaTED project demo site: intervention plan in Belgrade's district heating system

The RELaTED ultra-low temperature district heating concept and technologies will be tested in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. The heating system of Belgrade is one of the largest in the region, with the installed power of 3GW in 40 heat sources, an annual production of heat energy of 3,66 GWh, a district heating network of 750 km long and 9,000 …

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RELaTED ultra-low temperature district heating

New posibilities for ultra-low temperature district heating in corporate district heating networks

Olga Macias, researcher in the field of energy eficiency in buildings in Tecnalia, explains the intervention developed by the RELaTED project in the demonstration site of Iurreta (Spain), in order to test the posibilites of the ultra-low temperature district heating systems  in a corporate building complex. Tecnalia coordinates the RELaTED project which aims to develop an innovative concept of desentralized …

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About RELaTED project

The project “Renewable Low Temperature District” (RELaTED), funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, aims to develop a robust ultra-low temperature concept, which allow for the incorporation of low-grade heat sources with minimal constraints.

The main objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of the concept in European urban environments, and its suitability for the upcoming operational environment with reduced heat loads and distributed heat sources. To prove this, the concept will be demonstrated in four real demonstrations sites (Denmark, Estonia, Serbia and Spain), with two additional feasibility studies. However, some technologies must be adapted to the particularities of the system.

Under the coordination of TECNALIA Research & Innovation, the Consortium is composed by the companies NIBE, METRO THERM, AVENTA SOLAR, IMAR, IBS, TDC, Mazovian Energy Agency, Basque Energy Agency and FEDARENE; and DH operators as BEOELEKTRANE, FORTUM Tartu, DTI and the Basque Government. These companies will work together to provide a framework for the integration of many renewable heat sources into a low temperature DH system.


RELaTED Project Coordinator
Roberto Garay


Dissemination and Communication responsible
Maria Alcubilla

El Taller de Comunicacion, TDC

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