

Editorial EVE

Decarbonization of Heat Supply to Urban Communities, a Regional Approach

Author: Jesús Mª Casado de Pradas. Energy Efficiency Technician in EVE, Ente Vasco de la Energía.

Thinking back, 9 years have passed since the publication of the Directive on the energy performance of buildings. Article 6 of that Directive identified the need to analyse the technical, environmental and economic feasibility of alternative … Read more.


New Outputs

Partners of RELaTED project presented their advances in Ultra-Low Temperature district heating in Copenhaguen

Partners of RELaTED project presented their advances in Ultra-Low Temperature district heating in Copenhaguen

Partners of RELaTED, Renewable Low Temperature District, presented their advances in the innovative concept of decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) network solution. The meeting took place at the premises of Danish Technological Institute in Taastrup, Copenhaguen, Denmark, on May 21 - 23 …

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Development schemes for new district heating developments

Development schemes for new district heating developments

How can low temperature concepts be applied in new urban developments? The RELaTED Task 2.5 describes a set of guidelines that are, in general terms, based on best practices as most new urban development areas are different in relation to visions, DH network topology, temperature levels, buildings installations, tariff structure, management etc.

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Legionella barriers to district heating

Prevention of legionella: actions to find safe domestic hot water solutions in relation to district heating

Use of low and ultra-low DH temperatures, that proposes RELaTED project, results in an increase of the energy efficiency of the heating system. However, the low temperatures in general also increase the risk of Legionella. This emphasizes the need of finding safe Legionella solutions for the domestic hot water (DHW) production from district heating (DH). Focus has been on both …

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Ultra Low TEmperature District Heating

Definitions of ultra-low temperature district heating

District heating companies, equipment manufacturers, consultants and researchers have discussed definitions of district heating and cooling in general, and also ultra-low temperature district heating. This inform explains the different definitions and most used terms to give the reader not familiar with district heating the background of this system and the technology options…

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Different surplus heat sources

Legal and practical barriers and its possible solutions in district heating

This document presents the use of distributed energy sources and the possibilities for integration and control in district heating systems. The report also explains the legal and practical barriers and solutions as well as pricing options for energy sales.

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Distribution of Legionnaries EU

Interconnection schemes for consumer installations in relation to legionella bacteria prevention

This document elucidates specific problems and solutions for consumer connections in relation to legionella bacteria prevention and treatment, metering and billing options and control opportunities. Moreover, sketches that could be used as specific solutions for consumer interconnection schemes for three of the demonstration sites on public networks in the project are presented …

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Iurreta (Spain) district heating network

Low temperature district heating concepts

DH systems were designed many decades ago. In most cases, they are designed and operated to distribute heat at about 80 °C to consumers. RELaTED pursues the development of DH networks with service temperature levels as low as 40-50 ºC. “D.2.1 Low temperature concepts” deliverable reports on the RELaTED low temperature concepts, considering potentialities and limitations imposed by distributed energy …

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Overview Beoelektrane district heating network Belgrade

RELaTED project low temperature concepts

The deliverable D.2.1 "Low temperature concepts"  defines the RELaTED low temperature concepts, considering potentialities and limitations imposed by distributed energy sources (DER), low temperature (LT) and ultra-low temperature (ULT) distribution systems as well as heat and domestic hot water demand.

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Participation at Events

RELaTED Project participates in the seminar about heat pump and geothermal energy organized by the EVE in San Sebastian

RELaTED Project participates in the seminar about heat pump and geothermal energy organized by the EVE in San Sebastian

The seminar, which will take place on June 27th at the Chamber of Gipuzkoa, (San Sebastian, Spain), aims to disseminate knowledge about geothermal energy, one of the most efficient renewable energies, usable everywhere on earth, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year …

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The innovative tools of RELaTED project will be presented at EUSEW 2019

The innovative tools of RELaTED project were presented at EUSEW 2019

The innovative tools and solutions of RELaTED project were presented at the Policy Conference of EUSEW 2019 (18-20 June in Brussels), the biggest European event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. RELaTED project coordinator, Roberto Garay, took part on the conference "The Green Revolution starts at home" (Thursday 20 June 11.00 - 12.30), organizaed by …

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District heating in Poland

RELaTED concept was presented at the District Heating Road Show, in Poland

District Heating Road Show, Warsaw & South West part of Poland is one of the most relevant events about district heating in Poland. The major outcome of this road show is the heating/cooling knowledge and technology transfer from Denmark to Poland, contributing to the Danish export increase in the district heating market …

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RELaTED concept was presented at the IAPE'19 conference

RELaTED concept was presented at the IAPE'19 conference

Roberto Garay Martinez, RELaTED project coordinator, presented the RELaTED concept at the International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAPE’19) in Oxford, United Kingdom. Source: IAPE. From 14th to 15th of March, Oxford hosted the International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy (IAPE’19). The IAPE conference provided a forum for both researchers and industrials to present and share their latest findings in all aspects of …

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Metro Therm microbooster

Novel Domestic Hot Water Microbooster Heat Pump in Ultra-Low Temperature District Heating

The RELaTED project partners Metro Therm and DTI presented a novel microbooster heat pump at the 4th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and 4th Generarion District Heating, that took place in Aalborg (Denmark). Read the following article to learn more about this study. AUTHORS: Matteo Caramaschi, R&D Engineer at Metro Therm A/S, Kasper Korsholm Østergaard, PhD, R&D Manager at METRO THERM …

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Webinar – New solutions for sustainable district heating in European cities

Webinar – New solutions for sustainable district heating in European cities

Watch the recording of the Covenant of mayors and RELaTED project webinar "New solutions for sustainable district heating in European cities" and learn about the EU’s heating & cooling decarbonisation policies and technologies available. Watch the recoding of the webinar>> The recently revised EU Renewable Energy Directive recognises heating and cooling as a key sector in accelerating the decarbonisation of …

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Michaela Meir, Aventa

VIDEO: Aventa develops an innovative solar collector system for district heating

Michaela Meir, R&D manager from Aventa and leader of work package 3 in RELaTED project, explains at this video the solution that this Norwegian company is developing in this project. Both the Spanish company IMAR and Aventa are developing solar collector systems for heating. Aventa’s innovation in RELaTED is that these collector systems are decentralized at the end-user side using …

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VIDEO district heating Beoelek

VIDEO: Main goals of Beogradske Elektrane in RELaTED project

Ljubiša Vladić, Deputy of Production and Distribution Manager at Public Utility Company Beogradske Elektrane, describes the participation and main goals of this Serbian district heating company in RELaTED project.   Know more about the contribution of one of the main district heating companies in this recording:

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RELaTED project METRO THERM video

VIDEO: District heating solutions by RELaTED project and METRO THERM

In this video, Kasper Korsholm Østergaard, PhD, R&D Manager at METRO THERM A/S explains some details of their contribution to the RELaTED project ultra low temperature district heating concept. METRO THERM is a Danish-based company with a long tradition in the production of district heating units and heat pumps. METRO THERM is also one of the 14-companies which have coordinated …

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About RELaTED project

The project “Renewable Low Temperature District” (RELaTED), funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, aims to develop a robust ultra-low temperature concept, which allow for the incorporation of low-grade heat sources with minimal constraints.

The main objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of the concept in European urban environments, and its suitability for the upcoming operational environment with reduced heat loads and distributed heat sources. To prove this, the concept will be demonstrated in four real demonstrations sites (Denmark, Estonia, Serbia and Spain), with two additional feasibility studies. However, some technologies must be adapted to the particularities of the system.

Under the coordination of TECNALIA Research & Innovation, the Consortium is composed by the companies NIBE, METRO THERM, AVENTA SOLAR, IMAR, IBS, TDC, Mazovian Energy Agency, Basque Energy Agency and FEDARENE; and DH operators as BEOELEKTRANE, FORTUM Tartu, DTI and the Basque Government. These companies will work together to provide a framework for the integration of many renewable heat sources into a low temperature DH system.


RELaTED Project Coordinator
Roberto Garay


Dissemination and Communication responsible
Maria Alcubilla

El Taller de Comunicacion, TDC

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