

Roberto Garay, RELaTED Project Coordinator

District Heating Systems are already Smart and in the path of de-carbonisation

This second newsletter of RELaTED provides an insight to the progress of our concept for the de-carbonisation of District Heating (DH) networks. We hope that it will be useful for any DH operator, technology supplier, engineers, and any other stakeholder in the DH industry. With the first year of the project already gone, we have …

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New Outputs

RELaTED project General Assembly Belgrade

3rd RELaTED General Assembly meeting: New advances in the innovative district heating concept proposed by RELaTED project

The RELaTED project consortium met in Belgrade to share the progress made in recent months. It was the third General Assembly of the partners, who presented during four days their advances in the innovative concept of decentralized Ultra-Low Temperature (ULT) network solution that proposes the RELaTED project. This project, funded under …

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Energy Price Assessment: an insight to energy costs in the context of District Heating

Energy Price Assessment: an insight to energy costs in the context of District Heating

The energy price assessment performed in the document “D4.1 – Energy Price Assessment" provides a comprehensive review of the main heat production systems and primary energy sources associated with District Heating systems in Europe. District heating (DH) systems are one of the most energy efficient heating systems in urban …

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Examples of absorption electric heat pump

Heating technologies in District Heating

District heating networks can be fed by various heat generation sources, including combustion plants (based on fossil fuel or biomass), CHP (combined heat & power) plants or renewable-based plants. The characteristics of each of these heat technologies are outlined in this article. This review is included in the document "D4. 1 - Energy Price Assesment", that provides an insight to …

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Aventa solar thermal district heating

Solar collectors in Norwegian district heating

Solar thermal is seen as one of the most interesting technologies for European district heating installations with a high share of renewables. A co-operation between district heating companies and solar heat suppliers can be a parallel to the existing co-operation between Norwegian energy companies and suppliers of solar PV. Heat delivery from solar collectors into district heating systems will strengthen …

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ST integration into DH networks

Unglazed Solar Thermal Systems for Building Integration, coupled with District Heating Systems

The connection of a solar thermal (ST) façade system to a district heating system allow for the direct use of ST heat in the building, while taking profit from the network for delivery/selling of excess heat and purchase of heat during periods of underproduction. The use of unglazed collectors for low-intrusive architectural interaction in façades is discussed. Studies are carried …

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Participation at Events

RELaTED project presented at HVACR Congress Belgrade

RELaTED concept was presented at the HVACR Congress in Belgrade

Colleagues from Beogradske Elektrane presented the RELaTED concept at the 49th International Congress and Exhibition on Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning in Belgrade.

Bojan Bogdanovic and Radmilo Savic, from the Public Utility Company and RELaTED project partner Beogradske Elektrane, presented the RELaTED concept at the 49th International Congress and Exhibition on Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning in Belgrade.

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RELaTED Project was presented at the General Assembly of the HOLISDER Project

RELaTED Project was presented at the General Assembly of the HOLISDER Project

Public Utility Company "Beogradske elektrane" hosts the General Assembly of the HOLISDER Project funded by the European Union through the HORIZON 2020 Program. At the session, RELaTED Project was presented. From 16th to 18th of October 2018, “Beogradske elektrane" hosts the General Assembly of the HOLISDER Project funded by the European Union through the HORIZON 2020 Program. The participants were …

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Smart Specialisation Platform Heating and Cooling

The Smart Specialisation Platform for Heating and Cooling is launched

In June, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission organised the first workshop on Regional Heating and Cooling priorities in the framework of the Smart Specialisation Platform. The key objective of the Smart Specialisation Platform on Energy is to support the effective uptake of the cohesion funds for those regions with particular interests in the thematic area of sustainable heating …

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RELaTED Sister Projects

LOWTemp, RELaTED sister project

LowTEMP project partners work to make the Baltic Sea Region district heating supply more sustainable

The project partners of the “Low Temperature District Heating for the Baltic Sea Region” (LowTEMP), sister project of RELaTED, are working to make the district heating supply in their regions more sustainable and promote the installation of the next generation district heating networks. …

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LowUp project

RELaTED sister project LowUP will develop heating and cooling systems for buildings and industry uses

RELaTED sister project "LowUP" – which stands for ‘Low valued energy sources UPgrading for buildings and industry uses’– will contribute to achieving Europe’s greenhouse gas reduction targets and increase energy efficiency.  The LowUP partners are working together to develop and demonstrate one heating and one cooling system for office buildings, and one heat recovery system (Heat LowUP, Cool LowUP and …

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About RELaTED project

The project “Renewable Low Temperature District” (RELaTED), funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, aims to develop a robust ultra-low temperature concept, which allow for the incorporation of low-grade heat sources with minimal constraints.

The main objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of the concept in European urban environments, and its suitability for the upcoming operational environment with reduced heat loads and distributed heat sources. To prove this, the concept will be demonstrated in four real demonstrations sites (Denmark, Estonia, Serbia and Spain), with two additional feasibility studies. However, some technologies must be adapted to the particularities of the system.

Under the coordination of TECNALIA Research & Innovation, the Consortium is composed by the companies NIBE, METRO THERM, AVENTA SOLAR, IMAR, IBS, TDC, Mazovian Energy Agency, Basque Energy Agency and FEDARENE; and DH operators as BEOELEKTRANE, FORTUM Tartu, DTI and the Basque Government. These companies will work together to provide a framework for the integration of many renewable heat sources into a low temperature DH system.


RELaTED Project Coordinator
Roberto Garay


Dissemination and Communication responsible
Maria Alcubilla

El Taller de Comunicacion

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