About RELaTED project
The project “Renewable Low Temperature District” (RELaTED), funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, aims to develop a robust ultra-low temperature concept, which allow for the incorporation of low-grade heat sources with minimal constraints.
The main objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of the concept in European urban environments, and its suitability for the upcoming operational environment with reduced heat loads and distributed heat sources. To prove this, the concept will be demonstrated in four real demonstrations sites (Denmark, Estonia, Serbia and Spain), with two additional feasibility studies. However, some technologies must be adapted to the particularities of the system.
Under the coordination of TECNALIA Research & Innovation, the Consortium is composed by the companies NIBE, METRO THERM, INAVENTA SOLAR, INNOMETAL, IBS, TDC, Mazovian Energy Agency, Basque Energy Agency and FEDARENE; and DH operators as BEOELEKTRANE, FORTUM Tartu, DTI and the Basque Government. These companies will work together to provide a framework for the integration of many renewable heat sources into a low temperature DH system.
RELaTED Project Coordinator
Roberto Garay
Dissemination and Communication responsible
Maria Alcubilla
El Taller de Comunicacion, TDC
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